This article explains the basic concepts and entities of Sibe. ****

Workspace is your secure area where you can see all your uploaded models, organize them by projects, and manage access. A user can be present in multiple Workspaces, for instance, if they are collaborating with various teams or clients. Each Workspace can host numerous projects and models, resembling a Matryoshka doll setup.


Owner is the creator and controller of the Workspace. This person has full control over the Workspace's content and management. Respectively, the Owner of a Project has full control over that Project’s content and access settings.

Scene acts like a stage in a theater. It's designed to contain one 3D model at a time, though this model can exist in many versions.

Version encompasses a description (limited to 256 characters), revision tags, the date it was added, and the author of the addition. Members can upload new versions but cannot delete them.


Comments are tied to specific objects (geometries) within the model, ensuring they remain relevant even if details of the model change. Comments can be added using the comment icon at the bottom of the screen.


Comments can be labeled with status (Pending, In Progress, Closed), each represented by icons of different colors and shapes to accommodate users with visual impairments.


They can also include files, drawings, measurements, and tags.


To let a particular collaborator know that you want them to check your comment, mention them using the “@” character in the comment or reply.

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